Why you need eye gymnastics: The simplest exercises to improve your vision

Restore vision through eye gymnasticsEye gymnastics combined with other techniques not only strengthens the muscle tone of the visual organs, but also helps improve vision. It is important not to forget about daily training and to perform the exercises correctly. Before starting gymnastics, you must see a qualified ophthalmologist. The doctor will make a diagnosis and assess the quality of vision. Today, several effective non-surgical methods of vision improvement have been developed, so it is best to entrust the choice of the best method to experts.

Gymnastics performance rules

Despite the fact that in our time there are several proven and used for medical purposes methods of restoring vision with the help of gymnastics, they should be performed using the same rules. Therefore, before choosing one or another recovery method for yourself, read the advice of your ophthalmologist:
  1. Only regular gymnastics will bring benefits. The system must be followed. Choose a gymnastics move for yourself—twice a day, in the morning or evening, and once every few days. Remember, consistency and absence of omissions are key to the effectiveness of the complex.
  2. Be patient when practicing. If you're in a hurry to get somewhere, you shouldn't even start doing gymnastics. Then the opposite effect will occur. You may run the risk of exerting yourself inappropriately or, conversely, over-straining your eye muscles, thus worsening the results of your gymnastics.
  3. Don't overdo it. Don’t think that the more often you repeat gymnastics exercises, the faster you’ll feel the healing effects. This is far from the truth and your useless efforts will put unnecessary stress on the visual organ.
  4. Keep intervals. You should not start each new exercise immediately after completing the previous one. Sit with your eyelids closed for about half a minute before starting a new exercise.
  5. rest. There is no benefit in sitting in front of a computer day and night while doing gymnastics. If you decide to take on the task of restoring your vision, be prepared that you will need to approach the process holistically, both from a nutritional perspective and from a daily life perspective.

According to W. G. Bates's Pocket Law

Before starting gymnastics, you need to be properly prepared for it. Just like in exercise, you can't go from home to the gym and immediately put heavy weights on your chest. There is zero effect, and you run the risk of muscle tears, back strains, or hernias. So is the organ of vision. Proper preparation is necessary before performing a series of effective and complex exercises.Ophthalmologists have developed a small complex that allows you to relax your eyes and prepare them for the subsequent stress on your muscles during gymnastics. Palm strikes are an important part of any vision-restoring gymnastics.Palm massage is a fairly popular and simple exercise for relaxing the muscles of the visual organ. Use both palms for this exercise. The principle of palm technique includes the following steps:
  1. It is necessary to warm your palms. The best way is to rub them together until they are reddish and warm.
  2. Fold your palms so that the palms and inner ribs are in contact with each other and on the same plane.
  3. Bend your elbows, find a point of support (such as a table or your knees), and close your eyes with your palms so that only the fingers of one hand are resting on top of the other.
  4. Stay in this position for 5-7 minutes. If necessary, repeat after some time.
The essence of the palm technique is to produce the so-called "lightning" in the eyes. However, you should not put pressure on your eyeballs.This simple exercise can improve vision and is effective for both nearsightedness and farsightedness. During palm massage, the heat from the palms affects the facial nerves and eye muscles, relaxing them and providing them with blood flow. This regular training can even change the angle of the eyeballs, meaning that you can expect noticeable positive results even with strabismus. You just need to pinch your fingers as tight as possible so that light doesn't penetrate them. It is important that you are as relaxed as possible and assume a comfortable and relaxed position when performing palming.
During the initial stages of palming, you may experience not entirely pleasant sensations, pain and a feeling of pressure "from within" in the eye area. This is completely normal and the discomfort will go away after a few workouts.

Exercise 1. I am writing to you. . .

Although the previous exercises relieved the tension in the visual organs, the muscles were not completely relaxed. Let's do it now. Unfortunately, many people try to restore their eyes and relax as much as possible, forgetting that the neck is also involved in every exercise, as it also needs attention. Blood flows from the neck to our eyes, providing nutrients. After multiple breaches during work in front of the monitor, we will make every effort to get this process back on track. To perform gymnastics, you will need a chair or mat, as it can be performed in two positions: sitting and lying down.In order to get the right results from gymnastics, you need:
  1. Get into a comfortable position, lying or sitting.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Relax.
  4. Imagine you have a pen taped to the tip of your nose and you desperately need to write a letter.
  5. Now you can start drawing simple shapes or writing whole words, but of course using your nose and not your hands.
  6. The neck should also be involved in this process.
  7. First, try writing the entire alphabet.
  8. Increase the difficulty and try to recreate your favorite verse or at least a few lines from it.

Exercise 2. look through your fingers

Another exercise can relieve eye strain. Nor is its implementation limited to a certain posture. you need to:
  1. Bend your elbows.
  2. Spread your fingers.
  3. Place your palms over your eyes so that the back of each palm is directly under your eyes.
  4. Now use your finger to observe any object in the room.
  5. The most important thing is not to focus on the fingers themselves; the point of the exercise is to see beyond the fingers.
The exercise becomes more difficult if you try to focus on a moving object in the room. Look in different directions, turn around, and keep your hands on your face. Do this exercise about thirty times, trying to look at something far away for no more than five seconds each time. This exercise may seem difficult at first, but over time you will learn to focus on individual things rather than on your hands. <头>
Exercise name delivery time Number of entries
Exercise 1 30 seconds 3 ways
Exercise 2 no more than 5 seconds 3 sets of 10 reps
warm up 30 seconds 2 to 3 methods

Sun exposure: the life-giving power of light

Tanning is a set of exercises in which the main active factor is bright light.Sun tanning can be done using the following methods:
  • Sveta;
  • sun;
  • Candle;
  • Electric incandescent lamp.
Sunlight exposure effectively improves visionSunlight exposure is considered the most effective, but natural light sources are not always available. Therefore, candles and incandescent lamps also find useful uses.Solarization is carried out in several steps:
  1. Take a position relative to the light source so that your face is facing the light source. Eyes should be closed.
  2. Don't squint and try to adjust to bright light (your eyes should still be closed). If your eyes hurt, you can cover your eyes with your palms for a short while, then take them off and try again.
  3. You need to turn your head slowly, first to the right and then to the left, so that the light can work evenly.
  4. After you're done tanning, perform palm care.
Sun exposure can effectively restore vision. It improves blood circulation and promotes rapid regeneration of eye tissue, especially during the postoperative period.

Improve blood circulation through gymnastics

A person often loses vision because blood circulation in an area is disrupted. It does not have the necessary muscles and nerves to achieve the required volume, which is why myopia develops and the retina thins. Without surgery, the best thing you can do is try to improve your circulation on your own. Massage movements are best for this purpose.<头>
No. describe delivery time Number of entries
Exercise 1 Using massage movements, move from the lower part of the eyelid of the right eye to the bridge of the nose, and then along the eyebrow of the left eye back to the bridge of the nose. So it's like you're drawing an infinity symbol or glasses do the exercise for a minute This exercise is performed in 2-3 ways
Exercise 2 Move your eyes from side to side, as if moving your pupils along the horizon. Do this as quickly as possible, but without pain in your eyes while doing the exercise within thirty seconds 2-3 methods
Exercise 3 Move the eyes up and down, moving the pupil along the vertical line at maximum speed within thirty seconds 2-3 methods
Exercise 4 Squint your eyes quickly and relax your eyes immediately Execute 10 times 2-3 methods
Exercise 5 Place your index finger on the bridge of your nose. Try to bring your eyes together to look at him. Focus on your fingers for two to three seconds. five methods
Exercise 6 blink very fast within twenty seconds three methods
Exercise 7 Look out the window. Designate yourself a specific object in the distance. Place a circle on the glass next to the object. Shift your eyes from distant objects to stickers and vice versa within one minute three methods
After completing such complex movements, the muscles of the visual organ become toned and you will not only receive therapeutic effects after the first exercise, but also prevent various eye diseases related to poor blood circulation.

Fight myopia with gymnastics

It is scientifically proven that the most common eye disease is myopia, which has many causes. High levels of fatigue, constant exposure to technology, and lack of rest for the eyes can all cause damage. Some people become blind due to bad genetics, while others bring upon themselves the tragic outcome. But in the meantime, there are some gymnastics that can partially restore vision or serve as a preventive measure against further loss of vision.When performing gymnastics, you need to assume a seated position and relax.<头>
No. describe delivery time Number of entries
Exercise 1 Close your eyes. Sit up straight. Try leaning back and taking a deep breath. Without opening your eyes, lean forward and exhale Execute for one minute Two methods
Exercise 2 Lean on the seat back. Open your eyes. Lean forward and slam your eyes shut, then open your eyes and return to the starting position Execute for one minute Two methods
Exercise 3 While seated, place your hands on your waist and turn your head to one side, then the other so that you can see your elbows Execute for one minute Two methods
Exercise 4 Start rotating the eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise Do this for thirty seconds in one direction and thirty seconds in the other direction. Three trips
Exercise 5 Extend your arms. Look at your fingertips. Raise your hands, but watch your fingers. You can't move your head. Once you can't see your fingers, put your hands down Execute for one minute Two methods

Movement-based gymnastics

Perform a series of exercise-based eye exercisesThere are several types of basic exercises from which it is recommended to create a personal gymnastics complex:
  • Eyes make circular movements;
  • describe geometric shapes with your eyes;
  • gaze; gaze;
  • Guide lines (up, down, left and right);
  • Blink/close your eyes.
Exercises that can be used to prevent and treat myopia include:<头>
No. exercise describe
1 focus You should look into the distance and point it to the furthest point in your sight. Slowly move your eyes to the tip of your nose
2 circular motion Draw a circle with your eyes. Repeat 10 times. Next, perform the exercise in the opposite direction.
3 blink Blink rapidly for several minutes
4 squinting while sitting Close your eyes for a few seconds and repeat a few times
5 eyelid massage Close your eyes and massage your eyelids in gentle, firm circular motions.
6 eye contact Focus on where the eyebrows are together, hold for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat
7 Head rotation accompanied by eye movement You should slowly turn your head to one side and look in the same direction. Next, turn your head in a different direction.
Effective farsighted gymnastics:
  1. Focus on distant objects. Place your fingers 30-40 cm away from your face. Look into the distance and then focus on your fingers.
  2. Read "between the lines. "Pick up a book, read a few paragraphs, and focus on the white spaces between the lines.
  3. Head turns. Turn your head to the left, then to the right, always looking forward.
  4. Observe moving objects.
After each set of exercises, you need to give your eyes a rest. You can relax your eye muscles with light massage or pressure.

preventive gymnastics

In order to ensure that your eyesight does not decline, you need to do the following exercises from time to time:
  1. "Picture Letters. " You need to use your eyeballs to describe any number of letters of the alphabet. The exercise is considered fully completed if you are able to describe all 33 letters.
  2. Open your mouth - close your eyes. Open your mouth and then your eyes at the same time. Try opening your mouth and eyes at the same time.
  3. Blink/close your eyes. It is necessary to alternate frequent blinking with squinting for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Massage the upper eyelids using gentle circular motions.
  5. Move your eyes up and down.
  6. Move your gaze sideways.
  7. pressure. You should close your eyelids and not press hard on them.
  8. Look through your fingers. Cover your eyes with your palms, spread your fingers a short distance apart, look at them for a few seconds, then squeeze tightly again.
  9. Zoom out. You need to close your eyes, touch the outer corners of your eyes with your middle finger, and then pull it to both sides. You need to feel a slight tension in the muscles.
  10. Lower your head, relax your neck muscles, and rest your chin on your sternum. Turn your eyes to the floor. Then slowly tilt your head back and look upward.
Draw letters with your eyes and relax your muscles with finger exercisesDon’t underestimate preventive eye exercises. After all, the eyes are constantly exposed to the most harmful factors. Stress, bad habits, vitamin deficiencies, frequent illness and unfavorable environments are often the causes of sudden and rapid loss of vision.The table below lists three sets of exercises that provide a set of precautions.<头>
Sports group initial position example
Exercises to strengthen eye muscles Keep your head still while sitting Look right, then left, without changing head position
Exercises to stimulate circulation and blood flow sitting Alternately close your eyes
accommodation exercise permanent Hold your outstretched fingers 30 cm from your face and focus your gaze on them. Without changing the focus, slowly move your fingers towards the face. When your fingers look like two fingers, you need to smoothly move them back to their original distance
For those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer, dealing with paper and small fonts, preventive gymnastics are very necessary.

Exercise your eyes in the morning

Exercising in the morning can help your body wake up quickly, tone your muscles, and put you in a good mood throughout the day. What are the benefits of morning exercise for the eyes? The feeling you get from it is equally pleasurable.Morning exercise can be carried out in several steps:
  1. Maintain a horizontal position and stretch and relax your neck muscles.
  2. Open your mouth and eyes several times in sync.
  3. Perform a few squints for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Then blink frequently, but not very quickly.
  5. Close your eyelids and use your nose to describe any shapes in the sky. You can "write" words, letters or "draw" this way. The average duration of this exercise is 2-3 minutes. The images that arise during this practice cause the brain to "wake up" faster and get back to work.
  6. Lift and lower your eyebrows a few times. Sometimes frowning, sometimes surprised.
  7. Lie on your back and perform palm massage.
  8. Turn your head from side to side for 2-3 minutes. This can relieve tension in the upper spine, which is especially important if you have to sleep in an uncomfortable position.
In general, doing eye exercises in the morning will not take much time, but will have obvious positive effects: after 1-2 weeks, vision will be significantly improved, the number of headaches will be reduced, and there will be no signs of fatigue. Face.

Exercise your eyes at night

In the evening, gymnastics are necessary, mainly to relax the muscles of the visual organs that were tense during the day. Therefore, palm massage here will be combined to a greater extent with exercises aimed at combating myopia and retinal diseases:
  1. Close your eyes and lie down for a while.
  2. Without opening your eyes, rotate your pupils clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Open your left and right eyes alternately.
  4. Look at an object two or three meters away from you. Shift your gaze to more distant objects. Then came the final level.
  5. If possible, hang letters over the desk, like you would in an eye doctor's office. Every night, read the letter and study the outline. Remember how much you saw initially, how much you saw a week later, and so on.
  6. Finally, use your fingertips to pull the eyelids away from the eye. Do this on the bottom, top and sides for a minute.
Get into the habit of wearing a special medical eye mask to sleep. It allows you to get a healthy sleep and your eyes won't react painfully to the morning sunlight that sneaks into the room.

Tibetan gymnastics

There are many techniques, including various eye exercises designed to correct vision, prevent cataracts, and treat many eye-related conditions. Tibetan gymnastics is one of the most common and effective exercises. It includes the following exercises:Eye-hiding gymnastics is the most common and effective one
  1. Peripheral vision training. Stretch your arms forward and place your two index fingers 35-40 cm in front of your eyes, bringing them together. Without changing your gaze, slowly open your arms and stretch your fingers to both sides. The goal is to look straight ahead but see the finger in the peripheral vision. Then place your fingers in front of you again.
  2. pressure. Press your fingers gently and quickly onto your closed eyeball, then open your eyes and try not to blink for about 5-6 seconds.
  3. square. Describe the square with your eyes: look down - left - up - right. Then repeat in the opposite direction: up-right-down-left.
  4. Blink frequently for about a minute.
  5. Light eyelid massage. With your eyelids closed, use gentle massaging motions along the upper eyelid, moving outward from the inner corner of the eye, and then along the lower eyelid.
Each movement of Tibetan gymnastics should be performed for at least one minute, or repeated at least 10-15 times.

Yoga for your eyes

Many people find yoga to be a treasure trove of health benefits. Year after year, the sport's fans grow, and it makes sense that it's more of a lifestyle than a sport. But not many people know that yoga exists not only for the body but also for the eyes. Such exercises, if done systematically till old age, will help in maintaining good eyesight.All you need to do is sit on the floor in a comfortable position and straighten your back. Relax and think of pleasant things. Start a set of exercises with a light warm-up and try shifting your gaze from side to side while trying not to move your neck and head. Now that you've moved a bit, you can start practicing on your own.
  • Exercise 1Achieve even, smooth breathing. Try directing your gaze to the space between your eyebrows to actually connect your pupils in the bridge of your nose area. Of course, you won't succeed the first time, but with systematic repetition, you will achieve success. You need to hold the pupil in place for at least two seconds and gradually increase the delay time again and again. This exercise should be done ten times, allowing your eyes to rest for a few seconds after each approach.
  • Exercise 2After the first practice, give your pupils a short rest, blink, close your eyelids for a moment, then open them smoothly. Once you feel the tension subside, be ready to move on to a new exercise. Your position remains unchanged. Eyes should be open and breathing should be even. Place your fingers on the tip of your nose and try to see with both eyes. Therefore, the pupils will again meet at the bridge of the nose, but the gaze will already be downward, unlike in the previous exercise. Repeat ten times, giving your eyes a break in between.
  • Exercise 3Now try to look to the right with both eyes, try to look as far away as possible without turning your body and head. Then look to the left. Now we repeat the same thing, looking up and down. This exercise won't be easy for you; the further you move your pupils, looking in one direction, the faster you'll get the desired effect from the complex.
  • Exercise #4Still maintaining an even posture, observe that your breathing is smooth, and proceed to the next stage. Look down, don't lower your head. Then start moving one pupil in a clockwise direction. Once you reach the starting point of your exercise, begin moving counterclockwise. Then start drawing a circle from above. Practice twenty methods, ten each above and below the eyes. Try to slowly form a circle with your pupils while trying to see as much of each side as possible.
  • Exercise #5Now you need to relax your eye muscles again so that they are no longer tense and feel a surge of strength. To do this, close your eyes, think of something good, then observe your breathing evenly and rest for a few minutes.
This completes the yoga complex. Many ophthalmologists recommend that their patients perform such exercises not only to keep their eyes healthy but also to experience the therapeutic benefits.
According to doctors' practices, daily morning and evening yoga classes help strengthen muscles, relieve stress and generally improve retinal health. This means you can try to restore lost units without the help of a surgeon.
There is no need to attend a group of classes, since creating a gymnastics program for yourself is not that difficult. It can include exercises, massage, and fatigue-relieving exercises.